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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:46, 19 January 2015 Qbinomialthumb.png (file) 30 KB Tom Plot3D[QBinomial[x, y, 0.9], {x, -1, 2}, {y, -1, 2}, Ticks -> None, ColorFunction -> GrayLevel, PlotPoints -> 200] 1
10:18, 19 January 2015 Qfactorialthumb.png (file) 6 KB Tom DiscretePlot[QFactorial[k, 1/4], {k, 0, 19}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.04], Black}, FillingStyle -> None, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
10:15, 19 January 2015 Eulerqphi.png (file) 11 KB Tom Plot[QPochhammer[x], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> {0, 1.4}] 1
10:10, 19 January 2015 Qgammathumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[QGamma[x, 2], {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
10:04, 19 January 2015 Lucasthumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[{LucasL[1, x], LucasL[2, x], LucasL[3, x]}, {x, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
10:00, 19 January 2015 Legendrepthumb.png (file) 18 KB Tom Plot[{LegendreP[1, x], LegendreP[2, x], LegendreP[3, x]}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:56, 19 January 2015 Laguerrelthumb.png (file) 15 KB Tom Plot[{LaguerreL[1, x], LaguerreL[2, x], LaguerreL[3, x]}, {x, -4, 7}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:38, 19 January 2015 Jacobipthumb.png (file) 12 KB Tom Plot[{JacobiP[1, 1, 2, x], JacobiP[2, 1, 2, x], JacobiP[3, 1, 2, x]}, {x, -1/2, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:33, 19 January 2015 Hermitephysthumb.png (file) 15 KB Tom Plot[{2 x, 4 x^2 - 2, 8 x^3 - 12 x}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:30, 19 January 2015 Hermiteprobthumb.png (file) 14 KB Tom Plot[{x, x^2 - 1, x^3 - 3 x}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:24, 19 January 2015 Gegenbauercthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Plot[{GegenbauerC[1, 1, x], GegenbauerC[2, 1, x], GegenbauerC[3, 1, x]}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:20, 19 January 2015 Fibonaccithumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[{Fibonacci[4, x], Fibonacci[2, x], Fibonacci[3, x]}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:18, 19 January 2015 Eulerethumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[{EulerE[1, x], EulerE[2, x], EulerE[3, x]}, {x, -1, 3}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:15, 19 January 2015 Dicksonthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Plot[{x, x^2 - 2, x^3 - 3 x}, {x, -3, 3}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:12, 19 January 2015 Chebyshevuthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Plot[{ChebyshevU[1, x], ChebyshevU[2, x], ChebyshevU[3, x]}, {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:07, 19 January 2015 Besselpolynomialsthumb.png (file) 11 KB Tom Plot[{x + 1, 3 x^2 + 3 x + 1, 15 x^3 + 15 x^2 + 6 x + 1}, {x, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
09:03, 19 January 2015 Abelpolynomialthumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[{x, -2 x + x^2, 9 x - 6 x^2 + x^3}, {x, -1, 3}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:58, 19 January 2015 Bernoullibthumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[{BernoulliB[1, x], BernoulliB[2, x], BernoulliB[3, x]}, {x, -1, 3}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:53, 19 January 2015 Associatedlaguerrelthumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[{LaguerreL[1, 1, x], LaguerreL[2, 1, x], LaguerreL[3, 1, x]}, {x, -1, 5}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:49, 19 January 2015 Batemanpolynomialthumb.png (file) 11 KB Tom Plot[{-x, 1/4 + (3/4) x^2, (-7/12) x - (5/12) x^3}, {x, -2, 2}, PlotStyle -> {{Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}, {Thickness[0.015], Black}}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:41, 19 January 2015 Planckradiationthumb.png (file) 5 KB Tom Plot[(15/Pi^4)*1/(x^5*(Exp[1/x] - 1)), {x, 0, 2}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:36, 19 January 2015 Riemannxithumb.png (file) 6 KB Tom Using RiemannXi[z_] := (1/2)*z*(z - 1)*Pi^(-z/2)*Gamma[z/2]*Zeta[z] and the code Plot[RiemannXi[x], {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:29, 19 January 2015 Partitionthumb.png (file) 6 KB Tom DiscretePlot[PartitionsP[k], {k, 0, 20}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.04], Black}, FillingStyle -> None, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:24, 19 January 2015 Minkowskiqmthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Using qm[x_] := Abs@Fold[#2 - #1 &, Floor@x, 2*2^-Accumulate@Rest@ContinuedFraction@x] and Plot[qm[x], {x, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.025], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:17, 19 January 2015 Hadamardgammathumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Using HadamardGamma[ z_] := (PolyGamma[1 - z/2] - PolyGamma[1/2 - z/2])/(2*Gamma[1 - z]) and the command Plot[HadamardGamma[x], {x, -3.5, 3.5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:14, 19 January 2015 Dirichletetathumb.png (file) 9 KB Tom Using DirichletEta[z_] := (1 - 2^(1 - z)) Zeta[z] and the command Plot[DirichletEta[x], {x, -8, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
08:09, 19 January 2015 Dirichletbetathumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom using DirichletBeta[z_] := 2^(-z) LerchPhi[-1, z, 1/2] and the command Plot[DirichletBeta[x], {x, -8, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:55, 19 January 2015 Reciprocalgammathumb.png (file) 9 KB Tom Plot[1/Gamma[x], {x, -4.0, 6}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None, PlotRange -> {-5, 5}] 1
07:48, 19 January 2015 Polylog1thumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[PolyLog[1, x], {x, -5, 3}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:44, 19 January 2015 Thomaethumb.png (file) 14 KB Tom Using [ this implementation] with ListPlot[pq, PlotRange -> {0, 0.51}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.02], Black}, FillingStyle -> None, AxesStyle -> Thic... 1
07:36, 19 January 2015 Lithumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[LogIntegral[x], {x, 0, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:34, 19 January 2015 Logthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Plot[Log[x], {x, 0, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:29, 19 January 2015 Hypergeometricthumb.png (file) 15 KB Tom   1
07:21, 19 January 2015 Gammathumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[Gamma[x], {x, -3, 4.5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:20, 19 January 2015 Factorialthumb.png (file) 3 KB Tom DiscretePlot[k!, {k, 0, 4}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.04], Black}, FillingStyle -> None, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:17, 19 January 2015 Eithumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[ExpIntegralEi[x], {x, -1, 1}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:14, 19 January 2015 Expthumb.png (file) 8 KB Tom Plot[Exp[x], {x, -3, 3}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:13, 19 January 2015 Erfthumb.png (file) 7 KB Tom Plot[Erf[x], {x, -4, 4}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
07:07, 19 January 2015 Dedekindetathumb.png (file) 69 KB Tom Plot3D[Abs[DedekindEta[x + I*y]], {x, -2, 2}, {y, 0, 5}, Ticks -> None, ColorFunction -> GrayLevel, PlotPoints -> 500] 1
06:58, 19 January 2015 Betathumb.png (file) 49 KB Tom Plot3D[Beta[x, y], {x, -0.5, 2}, {y, -0.5, 2}, PlotPoints -> {200}, Ticks -> None, ColorFunction -> GrayLevel] 1
06:52, 19 January 2015 Digammathumb.png (file) 11 KB Tom Plot[PolyGamma[x], {x, -4, 2}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
06:46, 19 January 2015 Binomialthumb.png (file) 5 KB Tom DiscretePlot[Binomial[20, k], {k, 0, 20}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.04], Black}, PlotRange -> {0, 200000}, FillingStyle -> None, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
06:35, 19 January 2015 Besselj0thumb.png (file) 18 KB Tom Plot[BesselJ[0, x], {x, -15, 15}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
06:32, 19 January 2015 Airyaithumb.png (file) 21 KB Tom Plot[AiryAi[x], {x, -12, 3}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:50, 19 January 2015 Arccoththumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[ArcCoth[x], {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:50, 19 January 2015 Arcsechthumb.png (file) 9 KB Tom Plot[ArcSech[x], {x, 0, 1.1}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:48, 19 January 2015 Arccschthumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[ArcCsch[x], {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:47, 19 January 2015 Arctanhthumb.png (file) 9 KB Tom Plot[ArcTanh[x], {x, -1.5, 1.5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:46, 19 January 2015 Arccoshthumb.png (file) 9 KB Tom Plot[ArcCosh[x], {x, 0, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
04:45, 19 January 2015 Arcsinhthumb.png (file) 10 KB Tom Plot[ArcSinh[x], {x, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.04], Black}, AxesStyle -> Thickness[0.01], Ticks -> None] 1
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