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From the definition,
$${n \choose k} = \dfrac{n!}{k! (n-k)!},$$
so for $k=0$ we get, using the fact that $0!=1$,
$${n \choose 0} = \dfrac{n!}{0! (n-0)!} = \dfrac{n!}{n!} = 1,$$
as was to be shown.
* {{BookReference|Handbook of mathematical functions|1964|Milton Abramowitz|author2=Irene A. Stegun|prev=Binomial coefficient ((n+1) choose k) equals (n choose k) + (n choose (k-1))|next=Binomial coefficient (n choose n) equals 1}}: 3.1.5
* {{BookReference|Handbook of mathematical functions|1964|Milton Abramowitz|author2=Irene A. Stegun|prev=Binomial coefficient ((n+1) choose k) equals (n choose k) + (n choose (k-1))|next=Binomial coefficient (n choose n) equals 1}}: $3.1.5$

Revision as of 19:40, 9 October 2016


The following formula holds: $${n \choose 0} = 1,$$ where ${n \choose 0}$ denotes the binomial coefficient.


From the definition, $${n \choose k} = \dfrac{n!}{k! (n-k)!},$$ so for $k=0$ we get, using the fact that $0!=1$, $${n \choose 0} = \dfrac{n!}{0! (n-0)!} = \dfrac{n!}{n!} = 1,$$ as was to be shown.
