Logarithm of product is a sum of logarithms
From specialfunctionswiki
Let $z_1,z_2 \in \mathbb{C}$ such that $-\pi < \mathrm{arg}(z_1) + \mathrm{arg}(z_2) \leq \pi$. Then the following formula holds: $$\log(z_1z_2) = \log(z_1)+\log(z_2),$$ where $\log$ denotes the logarithm.
- 1964: {{ #if: |{{{2}}}|Milton Abramowitz}}{{#if: Irene A. Stegun|{{#if: |, {{ #if: |{{{2}}}|Irene A. Stegun}}{{#if: |, [[Mathematician:{{{author3}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author3}}}}}]]{{#if: |, [[Mathematician:{{{author4}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author4}}}}}]]{{#if: |, [[Mathematician:{{{author5}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author5}}}}}]] and [[Mathematician:{{{author6}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author6}}}}}]]| and [[Mathematician:{{{author5}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author5}}}}}]]}}| and [[Mathematician:{{{author4}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author4}}}}}]]}}| and [[Mathematician:{{{author3}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{author3}}}}}]]}}| and {{ #if: |{{{2}}}|Irene A. Stegun}}}}|}}: [[Book:Milton Abramowitz/Handbook of mathematical functions{{#if: |/Volume {{{volume}}}|}}{{#if: |/{{{edpage}}}}}|Handbook of mathematical functions{{#if: |: Volume {{{volume}}}|}}{{#if: |: {{{eddisplay}}}|{{#if: | ({{{ed}}} ed.)}}}}]]{{#if: | (translated by [[Mathematician:{{{translated}}}|{{ #if: |{{{2}}}|{{{translated}}}}}]])}}{{#if: |, {{{publisher}}}|}}{{#if: |, ISBN {{{isbn}}}|}}{{#if: Logarithm (multivalued) of product is a sum of logarithms (multivalued) | ... (previous)|}}{{#if: Logarithm (multivalued) of a quotient is a difference of logarithms (multivalued) | ... (next)|}}{{#if: |: Entry: {{#if: |[[{{{entryref}}}|{{{entry}}}]]|{{{entry}}}}}|}}: $4.1.7$