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=How to get access to edit this Wiki=
Special functions are ubiquitous in mathematics and applications of mathematics. The term applies to such a wide range of functions that no single source contains all of them. We aim to remedy this problem.
We have had a big problem with auto-registering bots, so please send an e-mail to tomcuchta....at....gmail....dot....com with subject "Special function wiki registration" and I will enable registration for you.
Due to a resurgence of automated spam bots, account registration and anonymous editing is currently disabled. Please contact Tom Cuchta (tomcuchta@gmail.com) to gain access to edit the wiki.
=Special functions=
=Special functions=
[[Binomial function]]<br />
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid"><center>[[Ceiling|<randomimagebycategory categories="ceilingglyph" width="45" />]] <br />
[[Ceiling]]</center> </div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:dedekindetathumb.png|45px|link=Dedekind eta]]<br />
[[Dedekind eta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:dirichletetathumb.png|45px|link=Dirichlet eta]]<br />
[[Dirichlet eta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:dirichletbetathumb.png|45px|link=Dirichlet beta]]<br />
[[Dirichlet beta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[Exponential|<randomimagebycategory categories="exponentialglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[Floor|<randomimagebycategory categories="floorglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[Identity function|<randomimagebycategory categories="identityglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
[[Identity function|Identity]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:kleininvariantjthumb.png|45px|link=Klein invariant J]]<br />
[[Klein invariant J|Klein invariant $J$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:partitionthumb.png|45px|link=Partition]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:lambertwthumb.png|45px|link=Lambert W]]<br />
[[Lambert W|Lambert $W$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:planckradiationthumb.png|45px|link=Planck radiation]]<br />
[[Planck radiation]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:ramanujantauthumb.png|45px|link=Ramanujan tau]]<br />
[[Ramanujan tau|Ramanujan $\tau$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:riemannxithumb.png|45px|link=Riemann xi]]<br />
[[Riemann xi|Riemann $\xi$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[Signum|<randomimagebycategory categories="Signumglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:thomaethumb.png|45px|link=Thomae]]<br />
[[Bickley-Naylor]]<br />
[[Carlitz-Goss Gamma function]]<br />
[[Clausen cosine]]<br />
[[Clausen sine]]<br />
[[Debye function]]<br />
[[Dirichlet function]]<br />
[[Discriminant]]<br />
[[Distance to integers]]<br />
[[Eisenstein series]]<br />
[[Heaviside step function]]<br />
[[Hermite function]]<br />
[[K-function]]<br />
[[Legendre chi]]<br />
[[Legendre function]]<br />
[[Lerch transcendent]]<br />
[[Log barrier]]<br />
[[MacRobert E]]<br />
[[Maass forms]] <br />
[[Meijer G-function]]<br />
[[Mittag-Leffler]]<br />
[[Modular form]]<br />
[[Mock modular forms]]<br />
[[Mock theta functions]]<br />
[[Nome]]<br />
[[Painlevé transcendents]]<br />
[[Polyexponential]]<br />
[[Ramanujan theta function]]<br />
[[Riemann-Landau xi]]<br />
[[Riemann Siegel theta function]]<br />
[[Riemann theta function]]<br />
[[Sievert integral]]<br />
[[Singular function]]<br />
[[Theta functions]]<br />
[[Unit step function]]<br />
[[Voight function]]<br />
[[Volterra function]]<br />
[[Weierstrass elementary factors]]<br />
==Bessel functions and friends==
{{:Bessel functions footer}}
{{:Airy functions footer}}
{{:Hankel functions footer}}
{{:Kelvin functions footer}}
[[Modified Struve function]]<br />
[[Riccati-Bessel S | Riccati-Bessel $S_n$]]<br />
[[Riccati-Bessel C | Riccati-Bessel $C_n$]]<br />
[[Riccati-Bessel Xi | Riccati-Bessel $\xi_n$]] <br />
[[Riccati-Bessel Zeta | Riccati-Bessel $\zeta_n$]] <br />
[[Weber function]]<br />
<div class="grid2"><center>[[Struve function|<randomimagebycategory categories="Struveglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
[[Struve function]]</center></div>
==*-c functions==
[[Normalized sinc]]<br />
{{:*-c functions footer}}
==Continuous nowhere-differentiable functions and friends==
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:devilstaircasethumb.png|45px|link=Devil's staircase]]<br />
[[Devil's staircase]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:minkowskiqmthumb.png|45px|link=Minkowski question mark]]<br />
[[Minkowski question mark|Minkowski $?$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[Riemann function|<randomimagebycategory categories="riemannglyph" width=45 />]]<br />
[[Riemann function]]</center></div>
{{:Continuous nowhere differentiable functions footer}}
[[Besicovitch functions]]<br />
[[Bolzano function]]<br />
[[Cellérier function]]<br />
[[Katsuura function]]<br />
[[Keisswetter function]]<br />
[[Koch curve]] <br />
[[Knopp function]]<br />
[[Lynch function]]<br />
[[McCarthy function]]<br />
[[Orlicz functions]]<br />
[[Peano function]]<br />
[[Petr function]]<br />
[[Schoenberg function]]<br />
[[Schwarz function]]<br />
[[Sierpiński curve]]<br />
[[Weierstrass nowhere differentiable function]]<br />
[[Wen function]]<br />
==Defined by a differential equation==
[[Buchstab function]]<br />
[[Dickman–de Bruijn function]]<br />
[[Mathieu function]] <br />
==Elliptic functions==
[[Elliptic function|Elliptic functions (general overview and definitions)]]
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:ellipticethumb.png|45px|link=Elliptic E]]<br />
[[Elliptic E|Elliptic $E$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:elliptickthumb.png|45px|link=Elliptic K]]<br />
[[Elliptic K|Elliptic $K$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:ellipticthetathumb.png|45px|link=Elliptic theta]]<br />
[[Elliptic theta|Elliptic $\theta$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:modularlambdathumb.png|45px|link=Modular lambda]]<br />
[[Modular lambda|Modular $\lambda$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:weierstrasspthumb.png|45px|link=Weierstrass elliptic]]<br />
[[Weierstrass elliptic|Weierstrass elliptic]]</center></div>
{{:Jacobi elliptic functions footer}}
[[Incomplete Elliptic E]]<br />
[[Incomplete Elliptic K]]<br />
[[Jacobi elliptic functions]]<br />
[[Jacobi elliptic functions]]<br />
[[Gamma function]]<br />
[[Weierstrass sigma | Weierstrass $\sigma$]]<br />
[[Generalized_hypergeometric_function | Generalized hypergeometric function]] ${}_pF_q$ <br />
[[Pochhammer symbol]]<br />
==Error function and friends==
[[q-Pochhammer symbol]]<br />
<div class="grid2"><center>[[Dawson D+|<randomimagebycategory categories="dawsondplusglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
[[Riemann zeta function]]<br />
[[Dawson D+]]</center></div>
[[Theta functions]]<br />
[[Dawson D-]]<br />
[[Trigonometric functions]]<br />
[[Faddeeva function]]<br />
[[Inverse complementary error function]]<br />
{{:Error functions footer}}
==Figurate numbers==
[[Tetrahedral numbers]]<br />
[[Pyramidal numbers]] <br />
[[Cubic numbers]]<br />
[[Octahedral numbers]]<br />
{{:Polygonal numbers footer}}
[[Enneadecagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Heptadecagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Hexadecagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Icosagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Icosidigonal numbers]]<br />
[[Icositetragonal numbers]]<br />
[[Icositrigonal numbers]]<br />
[[Icosihenagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Myriagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Octadecagonal numbers]]<br />
[[Rectangular numbers]]<br />
==Gamma function and friends==
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid"><center>[[Binomial coefficient|<randomimagebycategory categories="binomialglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
[[Binomial coefficient]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[Barnes G|<randomimagebycategory categories="barnesgglyph" width="45" />]]<br />
[[Barnes G|Barnes $G$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:betathumb.png|45px|link=Beta]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:digammathumb.png|45px|link=Digamma]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:factorialthumb.png|45px|link=Factorial]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:hyperfactorialthumb.png|45px|link=Hyperfactorial]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:gammathumb.png|45px|link=Gamma]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:hadamardgammathumb.png|45px|link=Hadamard gamma]]<br />
[[Hadamard gamma]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:reciprocalgammathumb.png|45px|link=Reciprocal gamma]]<br />
[[Reciprocal gamma]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:digammathumb.png|45px|link=Polygamma]]<br />
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:Incompletegammathumb.png|45px|link=Upper incomplete gamma]]<br />
[[Upper incomplete gamma]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:pochhammerthumb.png|45px|link=Pochhammer]]<br />
[[Falling factorial]]<br />
[[Incomplete beta function]]<br />
[[Loggamma]]<br />
[[Lower incomplete gamma]]<br />
[[Multiple gamma function]]<br />
[[Primorial]]<br />
[[Rising factorial]]<br />
[[Trigamma]]<br />
==Hypergeometric series==
{{:Hypergeometric functions footer}}
[[Hypergeometric 0F3]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 1F1]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 1F2]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 2F0]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 2F3]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 3F2]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric 4F1]]<br />
[[Lauricella–Saran functions]]<br />
==*-integral functions==
{{:*-integral functions footer}}
[[Böhmer C]]<br />
[[Böhmer S]]<br />
[[Entire exponential integral]]<br />
==Jacobi theta functions==
{{:Jacobi theta footer}}
==Logarithm function and friends==
{{:Logarithm and friends footer}}
[[Logarithm base a]]<br />
[[Logarithm (multivalued)]]<br />
[[Trilogarithm]]<br />
==Matrix functions==
[[Determinant]] <br />
[[Matrix arcsin]]<br />
[[Matrix exponential]]<br />
[[Matrix cosh]]<br />
[[Matrix sinh]]<br />
[[Matrix logarithm]]<br />
[[Matrix sine]]<br />
[[Matrix cosine]]<br />
[[Trace]]<br />
===Matrix hypergeometric functions===
[[Matrix hypergeometric pFq]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 0F3]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 1F1]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 1F2]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 2F0]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 2F3]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 3F2]]<br />
[[Matrix hypergeometric 4F1]]<br />
[[Alexander operator]]<br />
[[Bernardi operator]]<br />
[[Fourier transform]]<br />
[[Laplace transform]]<br />
[[Libera operator]]<br />
[[Mellin transform]]<br />
[[Radon transform]]<br />
[[Two-dimensional Laplace transform]]<br />
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid2"><center>[[File:abelpolynomialthumb.png|45px|link=Abel p]]<br />
[[Abel p|Abel $p$]]</center></div>
[[Bernstein B]]<br />
==Probability distributions==
===Continuous distributions===
====Probability density funcitons====
[[Arcsin pdf]]<br />
[[Beta pdf]]<br />
[[Cauchy pdf]]<br />
[[Chi-squared pdf]]<br />
[[Exponential pdf]]<br />
[[F pdf]]<br />
[[Gamma pdf]]<br />
[[Laplace pdf]]<br />
[[Log-normal pdf]]<br />
[[Normal pdf]]<br />
[[Pareto pdf]]<br />
[[Student's t pdf]]<br />
[[Continuous uniform pdf]]<br />
[[Weibull pdf]]<br />
====Cumulative Density Functions====
[[Arcsin cdf]]<br />
[[Beta cdf]]<br />
[[Cauchy cdf]]<br />
[[Chi-squared cdf]]<br />
[[Exponential cdf]]<br />
[[F cdf]]<br />
[[Gamma cdf]]<br />
[[Laplace cdf]]<br />
[[Log-normal cdf]]<br />
[[Normal cdf]]<br />
[[Pareto cdf]]<br />
[[Student's t cdf]]<br />
[[Continuous uniform cdf]]<br />
[[Weibull cdf]]<br />
===Discrete distributions===
[[Bernoulli distribution]]<br />
[[Binomial distribution]]<br />
[[Discrete uniform distribution]]<br />
[[Geometric distribution]]<br />
[[Hypergeometric distribution]]<br />
[[Negative binomial distribution]]<br />
[[Poisson distribution]]<br />
{{:Orthogonal polynomials footer}}
[[Adomian polynomials]]<br />
[[Angelescu polynomials]]<br />
[[Bell polynomial]]<br />
[[Boole polynomials]]<br />
[[Charlier polynomial]]<br />
[[Cyclotomic polynomials]]<br />
[[Denisyuk polynomials]]<br />
[[Eberlein polynomials]]<br />
[[Hahn polynomial]]<br />
[[Humbert polynomials]]<br />
[[q-Hermite polynomial | $q$-Hermite polynomial]]<br />
[[Krawtchouk polynomial]]<br />
[[Lagrange polynomial]]<br />
[[Lidstone polynomial]]<br />
[[Lommel polynomial]]<br />
[[Macdonald polynomials]]<br />
[[Mahler polynomial]]<br />
[[Meixner polynomial]]<br />
[[Meixner-Pollaczek polynomial]]<br />
[[Mott polynomial]]<br />
[[Narumi polynomials]]<br />
[[Neumann polynomial]]<br />
[[Padovan polynomials]]<br />
[[Peters polynomials]]<br />
[[Pidduck polynomial]]<br />
[[Pincherle polynomials]]<br />
[[Sister Celine's polynomials]]<br />
[[Spread polynomial]]<br />
[[Touchard polynomial]]<br />
[[Rook polynomial]]<br />
[[Stirling polynomial]]<br />
[[Basic Fourier series]]<br />
[[Euler-Jackson q-difference operator|Euler-Jackson $q$-difference operator]]<br />
[[q-analog|$q$-analog]]<br />
[[q-Bernoulli numbers | $q$-Bernoulli numbers]]<br />
[[q-derivative | $q$-derivative]]<br />
[[q-numbers|$q$-numbers]]<br />
[[Symmetric q-numbers|Symmetric $q$-numbers]]<br />
===$q$-special functions===
[[Basic hypergeometric phi|Basic hypergeometric $\phi$]]<br />
[[Basic hypergeometric series psi|Basic hypergeometric series $\psi$]]<br />
[[Continuous q-Hermite polynomial | Continuous $q$-Hermite polynomials]]<br />
[[Elliptic gamma function]]<br />
[[Exton q-exponential|Exton $q$-exponential]]<br />
[[Generalized q-Bessel | Generalized $q$-Bessel]]<br />
[[Hahn-Exton q-Bessel | Hahn-Exton $q$-Bessel]] <br />
[[Gosper q-sine | Gosper $q$-sine]]<br />
[[Jackson q-Bessel (1) | Jackson $q$-Bessel (1)]]<br />
[[Jackson q-Bessel (2) | Jackson $q$-Bessel (2)]]<br />
[[Jackson q-Bessel (3) | Jackson $q$-Bessel (3)]]<br />
[[LLT polynomials]]<br />
[[q-Bessel functions | $q$-Bessel function]]<br />
[[q-Beta function | $q$-Beta function]]<br />
[[q-cos | $q$-$\cos$]]<br />
[[q-Cos | $q$-$\mathrm{Cos}$]]<br />
[[q-Binomial coefficient | $q$-Binomial coefficient]]<br />
[[q-Dirichlet series | $q$-Dirichlet series]]<br />
[[q-exponential e sub q | $q$-exponential $e_q$]]<br />
[[q-exponential e sub 1/q | $q$-exponential $e_{\frac{1}{q}}$]]<br />
[[q-exponential E sub q| $q$-exponential $E_q$]]<br />
[[q-exponential E sub 1/q | $q$-exponential $E_{\frac{1}{q}}$]]<br />
[[q-Fibonacci polynomials | $q$-Fibonacci polynomials]]<br />
[[q-Gamma function]] <br />
[[q-Gaussian distribution | $q$-Gaussian distribution]]<br />
[[q-Hermite polynomial | $q$-Hermite polynomial]]<br />
[[q-Hurwitz zeta|$q$-Hurwitz zeta]]<br />
[[q-Pochhammer | $q$-Pochhammer symbol]]<br />
[[q-Pollaczek polynomial]]<br />
[[q-Polygamma function | $q$-Polygamma function]]<br />
[[q-shifted factorial | $q$-shifted factorial]]<br />
[[q-sin | $q$-$\sin$]]<br />
[[q-Sin | $q$-$\mathrm{Sin}$]]<br />
[[q-Theta function | $q$-Theta function]]<br />
[[q-ultraspherical polynomial|$q$-ultraspherical polynomial]]<br />
[[q-zeta|$q$-zeta]]<br />
[[Second q-shifted factorial|Second $q$-shifted factorial]]<br />
[[Tsallis q-exponential|Tsallis $q$-exponential]]<br />
{{:Q-calculus footer}}
==Special functions in number theory==
{{:Number theory functions footer}}
[[Dirichlet L-function | Dirichlet $L$-function]]<br />
[[p-adic L function|$p$-adic $L$ function]]<br />
[[Ramanujan's sum]]<br />
[[Riemann prime counting]]<br />
==Special sequences==
Sequences are merely functions whose domain is a subset of $\mathbb{Z}$. <br />
[[Amicable numbers]] <br />
[[Associated Stirling numbers of the second kind]]<br />
[[Bell numbers]]<br />
[[Bernoulli numbers]] ($B_0 = 1, B_1 = \pm \frac{1}{2}, B_2 = \frac{1}{6}, B_3 = 0, B_4 = −\frac{1}{30}, B_5 = 0, B_6 = \frac{1}{42}, B_7 = 0, B_8 = −\frac{1}{30}$) <br />
[[Betrothed numbers]]<br />
[[Carmichael numbers]] <br />
[[Euler numbers]] <br />
[[Erdős–Nicolas numbers]]<br />
[[Farey sequence]]<br />
[[Fermat numbers]]<br />
[[Fibonacci numbers]]<br />
[[Genocchi numbers]]<br />
[[Harmonic number]]<br />
[[Idoneal number]]<br />
[[Jacobsthal numbers]]<br />
[[Signed Lah numbers]]<br />
[[Unsigned Lah numbers]]<br />
[[Lucas numbers]]<br />
[[Lychrel numbers]]<br />
[[Pell numbers]]<br />
[[Mersenne numbers]]<br />
[[Nielsen-Ramanujan sequence]]<br />
[[Perfect numbers]]<br />
[[Powerful numbers]]<br />
[[Pronic numbers]]<br />
[[q-Bernoulli numbers | $q$-Bernoulli numbers]]<br />
[[Reduced Stirling numbers of the second kind]]<br />
[[Stieltjes constants]]<br />
[[Stirling numbers of the first kind]]<br />
[[Stirling numbers of the second kind]]<br />
[[Sylvester's sequence]]<br />
[[Thue-Morse sequence]]<br />
==Trigonometric functions==
[[Arcsin (multivalued)]] <br />
[[Arccos (multivalued)]] <br />
[[Arctan (multivalued]] <br />
[[Arccsc (multivalued)]] <br />
[[Arcsec (multivalued)]] <br />
[[Arccot (multivalued)]] <br />
{{:Trigonometric functions footer}}
{{:Inverse trigonometric functions footer}}
{{:Hyperbolic trigonometric functions footer}}
{{:Inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions footer}}
{{:Depreciated trigonometric functions footer}}
===Depreciated trigonometric functions===
[[Arccosvercosine]]<br />
[[Arccoversine]]<br />
[[Archavercosine]]<br />
[[Archaversine]]<br />
[[Arcvercosine]]<br />
[[Arcversine]]<br />
[[Hacovercosine]]<br />
[[Hacoversine]]<br />
[[Havercosine]]<br />
[[Haversine]]<br />
[[Inverse tangent integral]]<br />
[[Vercosine]]<br />
==Zeta functions==
A [http://empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin//zeta/directoryofzetafunctions.htm directory] of zeta functions.
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:hurwitzzetathumb.png|45px|link=Hurwitz zeta]]<br />
[[Hurwitz zeta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:jacobizetathumb.png|45px|link=Jacobi zeta]]<br />
[[Jacobi zeta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:primezetapthumb.png|45px|link=Prime zeta P]]<br />
[[Prime zeta P|Prime zeta $P$]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:riemannzetathumb.png|45px|link=Riemann zeta]]<br />
[[Riemann zeta]]</center></div>
<div class="grid"><center>[[File:weierstrasszetathumb.png|45px|link=Weierstrass zeta]]<br />
[[Weierstrass zeta]]</center></div>
[[Airy zeta function]]<br />
[[Arithmetic zeta function]]<br />
[[Arakawa-Kaneko zeta function]]<br />
[[Arithmetic zeta function]]<br />
[[Artin-Mazur zeta function]]<br />
[[Barnes zeta function]]<br />
[[Bessel zeta function]]<br />
[[Beurling zeta function]]<br />
[[Cotangent zeta function]]<br />
[[Dedekind zeta function]]<br />
[[Epstein zeta function]]<br />
[[Fibonacci zeta function]]<br />
[[Goss zeta function]]<br />
[[Hasse-Weil zeta function]]<br />
[[Height zeta function]]<br />
[[Igusa zeta function]]<br />
[[Ihara zeta function]]<br />
[[Lefschetz zeta function]]<br />
[[Lerch zeta function]]<br />
[[Local zeta function]]<br />
[[Matsumoto zeta function]]<br />
[[Minakshisudaram-Pleijel zeta function]]<br />
[[Motivic zeta function]]<br />
[[Multiple zeta function]]<br />
[[p-adic zeta function | $p$-adic zeta function]]<br />
[[q-Hurwitz zeta|$q$-Hurwitz zeta]]<br />
[[q-zeta|$q$-zeta]]<br />
[[Reciprocal zeta function]]<br />
[[Ruelle zeta function]]<br />
[[Secant zeta function]]<br />
[[Selberg zeta function]]<br />
[[Shimizu zeta function]]<br />
[[Shintani zeta function]]<br />
[[Witten zeta function]]<br />
[[Z function]]<br />
==Arithmetic Operations==
[[Addition]] <br />
[[Division]] <br />
[[Exponentiation]]<br />
[[Hyperoperation]]<br />
[[Multiplication]] <br />
[[Subtraction]] <br />
[[Tetration]]<br />
=Special constants=
[[Algebraic]] <br />
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name !! Notation !! Value
| [[Apéry's constant]] || $\zeta(3)$  || $1.2020569031595942854 \ldots$
| [[Artin constant]] || $C_{\mathrm{Artin}}$ || $0.3739558136\ldots$
| [[Brun's constant]] || $B_2$ || $1.9021605831\ldots$
| [[Cahen's constant]] || $C$ || $0.64341054629\ldots$
| [[Catalan constant]] || $G$ || $0.915965594177219015054603514932384110774 \ldots$
| [[Chaitin's constant]] || ||
| [[Champernowne constant]] || $C_{10}$ || $0.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425\ldots$
| [[Conway's constant]] || || $1.303577269034 \ldots$
| [[Copeland-Erdős constant]] || || $0.23571113171923...$
| [[E | Euler's number]] || $e$ || $2.71828182846 \ldots$
| [[Erdős-Borwein Constant]] || $E$ || $1.606695152415291763\ldots$
| [[Euler-Mascheroni constant | Euler-Mascheroni constant]] || $\gamma$ || $0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235\ldots$
| [[Feigenbaum constants]] ||  || $4.669201609102990671853203820466201617258185577475768632745651 \ldots$
| [[Freiman constant]] || $F$ || $4.5278295661\ldots$
| [[Fransén–Robinson constant]] || || $2.807770242028519365221501186557772932308085920930198291220054 \ldots$
| [[Gauss' constant]] || $G$ || $0.83462684167\ldots$
| [[Gieseking constant]] || $G$ || $1.01494160640965\ldots$
| [[Gelfond constant]] || $e^{\pi}$ || $23.14069263277926900572908636794854738026610624260021199344504 \ldots$
| [[Gelfond–Schneider constant]] || $2^{\sqrt{2}}$ || $2.665144142690225188650297249873139848274211313714659492835979 \ldots$
| [[Glaisher–Kinkelin constant]] || $A$ || $1.2824271291 \ldots$
| [[Goh-Schmutz constant]] || $C$ || $1.1178641511899\ldots$
| [[Golden ratio]] || $\phi$ || $1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448 \ldots$
| [[Gompertz constant]] || $G$ || $0.596347362323\ldots$
| [[Graham's number]] || ||
| [[Hall-Montgomery constant]] || $\delta_0$ || $0.17150049\ldots$
| [[Imaginary number]] || $i$ || $\sqrt{-1}$
| [[Jenny's constants]] || $J$ || $867.5309\ldots$
| [[Kaprekar's constant]] || || $6174$
| [[Khinchin's constant]] || $K$ || $2.685452001065306445309714835481795693820382293994462953051152 \ldots$
| [[Komornik–Loreti constant]] || $q$ || $1.787231650\ldots$
| [[Legendre's constant]] || $B$ || $1$
| [[Lefschetz number]] || ||
| [[Lévy's constant]] || ||
| [[Liouville constant]] || ||
| [[Meissel-Mertens constant]] || $M$ || $0.26149721284764278375...$
| [[Mills' constant]] || $M$ || $1.306377883863080690468614492602605712916784585156713644368053 \ldots$
| [[Nested radical constant]] || $C$ || $1.75793275\ldots$
| [[Norton's constant]] || $B$ || $0.06535142\ldots$
| [[Omega constant]] || $\Omega$ || $0.5671432904097838729\ldots$
| [[Paper folding constant]] || $P$ || $0.85073618820186\ldots$
| [[Pell constant]] || $P$ || $0.58057755820489\ldots$
| [[Pi]] || $\pi$ || $3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 \ldots$
| [[Porter's constant]] || $C$ || $1.4670780794\ldots$
| [[q-pi]] || $\pi_q$ ||
| [[Rabbit constant]] || $R$ || $0.7098034428612913146\ldots$
| [[Ramanujan constant]] || $R$ || $262537412640768743.9999999999992500\ldots$
| [[Reciprocal Fibonacci constant]] || $\psi$ || $3.35988566624317755\ldots$
| [[Rutherford constant]] || $K_R$ || $0.8227\ldots$
| [[Shallit Constant]] || ||
| [[Sierpiński constant]] || $S$ || $0.8228252496\ldots$
| [[Silver ratio]] || $\delta_s$ || $2.4142135623730950488 \ldots$
| [[Soldner's Constant]] || $\mu$ || $1.45136923488338105028396848589202744949\ldots$
| [[Square root spiral constant]] || || $-2.1577829966\ldots$
| [[Stieltjes constants]] || $\gamma_n$ ||
| [[Ternary Champernowne constant]] || $C_3$ || $0.598958167538433\ldots$
| [[Theodorus constant]] || || $1.8600250792\ldots$
| [[Thue constant]] || || $0.8590997969\ldots$
| [[Trott's constant]] || || $0.10841015\ldots$
| [[Twin prime constant]] || ||
| [[White House switchboard constants]] || $W$ || $0.2024561414 \ldots$
| [[Wyler constant]] || $\alpha_W$ ||
| [[Zolotarev-Schur constant]] || ||
[[Algebraic number]] $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$<br />
[[Complex number]] $\mathbb{C}$<br />
[[Integer]] $\mathbb{Z}$<br />
[[Irrational number]] $\mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}$<br />
[[Natural number]] $\mathbb{N}$<br />
[[p-adic number]]<br />
[[Prime number]] <br />
[[Rational number]] $\mathbb{Q}$<br />
[[Real number]] $\mathbb{R}$<br />
[[Transcendental number]] <br />
=Tools from calculus=
=Tools from calculus=
[[Ratio_test | Ratio test]]
[[Absolute maximum]]<br />
[[Absolute minimum]]<br />
[[Analytic continuation]]<br />
[[Arithmetic functions]]<br />
[[Binomial series]]<br />
[[Cell]]<br />
[[Continuous]]<br />
[[Derivative]]<br />
[[Difference equation of hypergeometric type]]<br />
[[Doubly periodic function]]<br />
[[Entire]]<br />
[[Fundamental pair of periods]]<br />
[[Integration by parts]]<br />
[[Integral from a to a]]<br />
[[Laplace transform]]<br />
[[Lattice generated by doubly periodic periods]]<br />
[[Lebesgue integral]]<br />
[[Local maximum]]<br />
[[Local minimum]]<br />
[[Periodic function]]<br />
[[Period parallelogram]]<br />
[[Polar coordinates]]<br />
[[Product rule for derivatives]]<br />
[[Quotient rule]]<br />
[[Ratio_test | Ratio test]]<br />
[[Riemann integral]]<br />
[[Stirling formula]]<br />
[[Rolle's theorem]]<br />
[[Taylor series]]<br />
[[Weierstrass factorization]]
[http://dualaud.net/txt/rainvillespecialfunctions.php Solution manual to Rainville's "Special Functions"]<br />
[[Functions named after Pafnuty Chebyshev]]<br />
[http://web.mst.edu/~lmhall/SPFNS/spfns.pdf "Special Functions" by Leon Hall]
[[Functions named after Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet]]<br />
[[Functions named after Leonard Euler]]<br />
[[Functions named after Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi]]<br />
[[Functions named after Bernhard Riemann]]<br />
[[Functions named after Karl Weierstrass]]<br />
=External Links=
[http://authors.library.caltech.edu/43491/ Higher transcendental functions (Bateman project)]<br />
[https://github.com/tomcuchta/rainvillesfsolutions Solution manual to Rainville's "Special Functions"]<br />
[http://web.mst.edu/~lmhall/SPFNS/spfns.pdf "Special Functions" by Leon Hall]<br />
[http://www.johndcook.com/special_function_diagram.html Relations between special functions by John D. Cook]<br />
[http://dlmf.nist.gov NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]<br />
[https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/t.h.koornwinder/specfun/ T.H Koornwinder's list of resources]<br />
[ Victor Moll's proofs of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik integrals]<br />
[http://www.lmfdb.org/ LMFDB, the database of L-functions, modular forms, and related objects.]<br />
[http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/books.html Phillipe Flajolet's "Analytic Combinatorics"]<br />
[http://www.numbertheory.org/ntw/lecture_notes.html Online number theory lecture notes and teaching materials]<br />
[http://oeis.org/ The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences]<br />
[http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/archives/physics116A10/arccoth.pdf "According to Abramowitz and Stegun" or arccoth needn't be uncouth]<br />

Latest revision as of 13:31, 8 November 2024

Special functions are ubiquitous in mathematics and applications of mathematics. The term applies to such a wide range of functions that no single source contains all of them. We aim to remedy this problem.

Registration Due to a resurgence of automated spam bots, account registration and anonymous editing is currently disabled. Please contact Tom Cuchta (tomcuchta@gmail.com) to gain access to edit the wiki.

Special functions

Carlitz-Goss Gamma function
Clausen cosine
Clausen sine
Debye function
Dirichlet function
Distance to integers
Eisenstein series
Heaviside step function
Hermite function
Legendre chi
Legendre function
Lerch transcendent
Log barrier
MacRobert E
Maass forms
Meijer G-function
Modular form
Mock modular forms
Mock theta functions
Painlevé transcendents
Ramanujan theta function
Riemann-Landau xi
Riemann Siegel theta function
Riemann theta function
Sievert integral
Singular function
Theta functions
Unit step function
Voight function
Volterra function
Weierstrass elementary factors

Bessel functions and friends

Bessel functions
Airy functions
Hankel functions
Kelvin functions

Modified Struve function
Riccati-Bessel $S_n$
Riccati-Bessel $C_n$
Riccati-Bessel $\xi_n$
Riccati-Bessel $\zeta_n$
Weber function

*-c functions

Normalized sinc

$*$-c functions

Continuous nowhere-differentiable functions and friends

Continuous nowhere differentiable functions

Besicovitch functions
Bolzano function
Cellérier function
Katsuura function
Keisswetter function
Koch curve
Knopp function
Lynch function
McCarthy function
Orlicz functions
Peano function
Petr function
Schoenberg function
Schwarz function
Sierpiński curve
Weierstrass nowhere differentiable function
Wen function

Defined by a differential equation

Buchstab function
Dickman–de Bruijn function
Mathieu function

Elliptic functions

Elliptic functions (general overview and definitions)

Jacobi Elliptic Functions

Incomplete Elliptic E
Incomplete Elliptic K
Jacobi elliptic functions
Weierstrass $\sigma$

Error function and friends

Dawson D-
Faddeeva function
Inverse complementary error function

Error functions

Figurate numbers

Tetrahedral numbers
Pyramidal numbers
Cubic numbers
Octahedral numbers

Polygonal numbers

Enneadecagonal numbers
Heptadecagonal numbers
Hexadecagonal numbers
Icosagonal numbers
Icosidigonal numbers
Icositetragonal numbers
Icositrigonal numbers
Icosihenagonal numbers
Myriagonal numbers
Octadecagonal numbers
Rectangular numbers

Gamma function and friends

Falling factorial
Incomplete beta function
Lower incomplete gamma
Multiple gamma function
Rising factorial

Hypergeometric series

Hypergeometric functions

Hypergeometric 0F3
Hypergeometric 1F1
Hypergeometric 1F2
Hypergeometric 2F0
Hypergeometric 2F3
Hypergeometric 3F2
Hypergeometric 4F1
Lauricella–Saran functions

*-integral functions

$\ast$-integral functions

Böhmer C
Böhmer S
Entire exponential integral

Jacobi theta functions

Jacobi theta functions

Logarithm function and friends

Logarithm and friends

Logarithm base a
Logarithm (multivalued)

Matrix functions

Matrix arcsin
Matrix exponential
Matrix cosh
Matrix sinh
Matrix logarithm
Matrix sine
Matrix cosine

Matrix hypergeometric functions

Matrix hypergeometric pFq
Matrix hypergeometric 0F3
Matrix hypergeometric 1F1
Matrix hypergeometric 1F2
Matrix hypergeometric 2F0
Matrix hypergeometric 2F3
Matrix hypergeometric 3F2
Matrix hypergeometric 4F1


Alexander operator
Bernardi operator
Fourier transform
Laplace transform
Libera operator
Mellin transform
Radon transform
Two-dimensional Laplace transform


Bernstein B

Probability distributions

Continuous distributions

Probability density funcitons

Arcsin pdf
Beta pdf
Cauchy pdf
Chi-squared pdf
Exponential pdf
F pdf
Gamma pdf
Laplace pdf
Log-normal pdf
Normal pdf
Pareto pdf
Student's t pdf
Continuous uniform pdf
Weibull pdf

Cumulative Density Functions

Arcsin cdf
Beta cdf
Cauchy cdf
Chi-squared cdf
Exponential cdf
F cdf
Gamma cdf
Laplace cdf
Log-normal cdf
Normal cdf
Pareto cdf
Student's t cdf
Continuous uniform cdf
Weibull cdf

Discrete distributions

Bernoulli distribution
Binomial distribution
Discrete uniform distribution
Geometric distribution
Hypergeometric distribution
Negative binomial distribution
Poisson distribution

Orthogonal polynomials

Adomian polynomials
Angelescu polynomials
Bell polynomial
Boole polynomials
Charlier polynomial
Cyclotomic polynomials
Denisyuk polynomials
Eberlein polynomials
Hahn polynomial
Humbert polynomials
$q$-Hermite polynomial
Krawtchouk polynomial
Lagrange polynomial
Lidstone polynomial
Lommel polynomial
Macdonald polynomials
Mahler polynomial
Meixner polynomial
Meixner-Pollaczek polynomial
Mott polynomial
Narumi polynomials
Neumann polynomial
Padovan polynomials
Peters polynomials
Pidduck polynomial
Pincherle polynomials
Sister Celine's polynomials
Spread polynomial
Touchard polynomial
Rook polynomial
Stirling polynomial


Basic Fourier series
Euler-Jackson $q$-difference operator
$q$-Bernoulli numbers
Symmetric $q$-numbers

$q$-special functions

Basic hypergeometric $\phi$
Basic hypergeometric series $\psi$
Continuous $q$-Hermite polynomials
Elliptic gamma function
Exton $q$-exponential
Generalized $q$-Bessel
Hahn-Exton $q$-Bessel
Gosper $q$-sine
Jackson $q$-Bessel (1)
Jackson $q$-Bessel (2)
Jackson $q$-Bessel (3)
LLT polynomials
$q$-Bessel function
$q$-Beta function
$q$-Binomial coefficient
$q$-Dirichlet series
$q$-exponential $e_q$
$q$-exponential $e_{\frac{1}{q}}$
$q$-exponential $E_q$
$q$-exponential $E_{\frac{1}{q}}$
$q$-Fibonacci polynomials
q-Gamma function
$q$-Gaussian distribution
$q$-Hermite polynomial
$q$-Hurwitz zeta
$q$-Pochhammer symbol
q-Pollaczek polynomial
$q$-Polygamma function
$q$-shifted factorial
$q$-Theta function
$q$-ultraspherical polynomial
Second $q$-shifted factorial
Tsallis $q$-exponential


Special functions in number theory

Number theory functions

Dirichlet $L$-function
$p$-adic $L$ function
Ramanujan's sum
Riemann prime counting

Special sequences

Sequences are merely functions whose domain is a subset of $\mathbb{Z}$.
Amicable numbers
Associated Stirling numbers of the second kind
Bell numbers
Bernoulli numbers ($B_0 = 1, B_1 = \pm \frac{1}{2}, B_2 = \frac{1}{6}, B_3 = 0, B_4 = −\frac{1}{30}, B_5 = 0, B_6 = \frac{1}{42}, B_7 = 0, B_8 = −\frac{1}{30}$)
Betrothed numbers
Carmichael numbers
Euler numbers
Erdős–Nicolas numbers
Farey sequence
Fermat numbers
Fibonacci numbers
Genocchi numbers
Harmonic number
Idoneal number
Jacobsthal numbers
Signed Lah numbers
Unsigned Lah numbers
Lucas numbers
Lychrel numbers
Pell numbers
Mersenne numbers
Nielsen-Ramanujan sequence
Perfect numbers
Powerful numbers
Pronic numbers
$q$-Bernoulli numbers
Reduced Stirling numbers of the second kind
Stieltjes constants
Stirling numbers of the first kind
Stirling numbers of the second kind
Sylvester's sequence
Thue-Morse sequence

Trigonometric functions

Arcsin (multivalued)
Arccos (multivalued)
Arctan (multivalued
Arccsc (multivalued)
Arcsec (multivalued)
Arccot (multivalued)

Trigonometric functions
Inverse trigonometric functions
Hyperbolic trigonometric functions
Inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions
Depreciated trigonometric functions

Depreciated trigonometric functions

Inverse tangent integral

Zeta functions

A directory of zeta functions.

Airy zeta function
Arithmetic zeta function
Arakawa-Kaneko zeta function
Arithmetic zeta function
Artin-Mazur zeta function
Barnes zeta function
Bessel zeta function
Beurling zeta function
Cotangent zeta function
Dedekind zeta function
Epstein zeta function
Fibonacci zeta function
Goss zeta function
Hasse-Weil zeta function
Height zeta function
Igusa zeta function
Ihara zeta function
Lefschetz zeta function
Lerch zeta function
Local zeta function
Matsumoto zeta function
Minakshisudaram-Pleijel zeta function
Motivic zeta function
Multiple zeta function
$p$-adic zeta function
$q$-Hurwitz zeta
Reciprocal zeta function
Ruelle zeta function
Secant zeta function
Selberg zeta function
Shimizu zeta function
Shintani zeta function
Witten zeta function
Z function

Arithmetic Operations


Special constants


Name Notation Value
Apéry's constant $\zeta(3)$ $1.2020569031595942854 \ldots$
Artin constant $C_{\mathrm{Artin}}$ $0.3739558136\ldots$
Brun's constant $B_2$ $1.9021605831\ldots$
Cahen's constant $C$ $0.64341054629\ldots$
Catalan constant $G$ $0.915965594177219015054603514932384110774 \ldots$
Chaitin's constant
Champernowne constant $C_{10}$ $0.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425\ldots$
Conway's constant $1.303577269034 \ldots$
Copeland-Erdős constant $0.23571113171923...$
Euler's number $e$ $2.71828182846 \ldots$
Erdős-Borwein Constant $E$ $1.606695152415291763\ldots$
Euler-Mascheroni constant $\gamma$ $0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421593359399235\ldots$
Feigenbaum constants $4.669201609102990671853203820466201617258185577475768632745651 \ldots$
Freiman constant $F$ $4.5278295661\ldots$
Fransén–Robinson constant $2.807770242028519365221501186557772932308085920930198291220054 \ldots$
Gauss' constant $G$ $0.83462684167\ldots$
Gieseking constant $G$ $1.01494160640965\ldots$
Gelfond constant $e^{\pi}$ $23.14069263277926900572908636794854738026610624260021199344504 \ldots$
Gelfond–Schneider constant $2^{\sqrt{2}}$ $2.665144142690225188650297249873139848274211313714659492835979 \ldots$
Glaisher–Kinkelin constant $A$ $1.2824271291 \ldots$
Goh-Schmutz constant $C$ $1.1178641511899\ldots$
Golden ratio $\phi$ $1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720309179805762862135448 \ldots$
Gompertz constant $G$ $0.596347362323\ldots$
Graham's number
Hall-Montgomery constant $\delta_0$ $0.17150049\ldots$
Imaginary number $i$ $\sqrt{-1}$
Jenny's constants $J$ $867.5309\ldots$
Kaprekar's constant $6174$
Khinchin's constant $K$ $2.685452001065306445309714835481795693820382293994462953051152 \ldots$
Komornik–Loreti constant $q$ $1.787231650\ldots$
Legendre's constant $B$ $1$
Lefschetz number
Lévy's constant
Liouville constant
Meissel-Mertens constant $M$ $0.26149721284764278375...$
Mills' constant $M$ $1.306377883863080690468614492602605712916784585156713644368053 \ldots$
Nested radical constant $C$ $1.75793275\ldots$
Norton's constant $B$ $0.06535142\ldots$
Omega constant $\Omega$ $0.5671432904097838729\ldots$
Paper folding constant $P$ $0.85073618820186\ldots$
Pell constant $P$ $0.58057755820489\ldots$
Pi $\pi$ $3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 \ldots$
Porter's constant $C$ $1.4670780794\ldots$
q-pi $\pi_q$
Rabbit constant $R$ $0.7098034428612913146\ldots$
Ramanujan constant $R$ $262537412640768743.9999999999992500\ldots$
Reciprocal Fibonacci constant $\psi$ $3.35988566624317755\ldots$
Rutherford constant $K_R$ $0.8227\ldots$
Shallit Constant
Sierpiński constant $S$ $0.8228252496\ldots$
Silver ratio $\delta_s$ $2.4142135623730950488 \ldots$
Soldner's Constant $\mu$ $1.45136923488338105028396848589202744949\ldots$
Square root spiral constant $-2.1577829966\ldots$
Stieltjes constants $\gamma_n$
Ternary Champernowne constant $C_3$ $0.598958167538433\ldots$
Theodorus constant $1.8600250792\ldots$
Thue constant $0.8590997969\ldots$
Trott's constant $0.10841015\ldots$
Twin prime constant
White House switchboard constants $W$ $0.2024561414 \ldots$
Wyler constant $\alpha_W$
Zolotarev-Schur constant


Algebraic number $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$
Complex number $\mathbb{C}$
Integer $\mathbb{Z}$
Irrational number $\mathbb{R} \setminus \mathbb{Q}$
Natural number $\mathbb{N}$
p-adic number
Prime number
Rational number $\mathbb{Q}$
Real number $\mathbb{R}$
Transcendental number

Tools from calculus

Absolute maximum
Absolute minimum
Analytic continuation
Arithmetic functions
Binomial series
Difference equation of hypergeometric type
Doubly periodic function
Fundamental pair of periods
Integration by parts
Integral from a to a
Laplace transform
Lattice generated by doubly periodic periods
Lebesgue integral
Local maximum
Local minimum
Periodic function
Period parallelogram
Polar coordinates
Product rule for derivatives
Quotient rule
Ratio test
Riemann integral
Stirling formula
Rolle's theorem
Taylor series
Weierstrass factorization


Functions named after Pafnuty Chebyshev
Functions named after Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
Functions named after Leonard Euler
Functions named after Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Functions named after Bernhard Riemann
Functions named after Karl Weierstrass

External Links

Higher transcendental functions (Bateman project)
Solution manual to Rainville's "Special Functions"
"Special Functions" by Leon Hall
Relations between special functions by John D. Cook
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
T.H Koornwinder's list of resources
Victor Moll's proofs of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik integrals
LMFDB, the database of L-functions, modular forms, and related objects.
Phillipe Flajolet's "Analytic Combinatorics"
Online number theory lecture notes and teaching materials
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
"According to Abramowitz and Stegun" or arccoth needn't be uncouth