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* {{BookReference|Higher Transcendental Functions Volume II|1953|Harry Bateman|prev=findme|next=findme}}: $\S 7.1 (2)$
* {{BookReference|Higher Transcendental Functions Volume II|1953|Harry Bateman|prev=findme|next=findme}}: $\S 7.2.1 (2)$
* {{BookReference|Handbook of mathematical functions|1964|Milton Abramowitz|author2=Irene A. Stegun|prev=findme|next=findme}}: $9.1.10$
* {{BookReference|Handbook of mathematical functions|1964|Milton Abramowitz|author2=Irene A. Stegun|prev=findme|next=findme}}: $9.1.10$

Revision as of 17:03, 23 June 2016

The Bessel functions of the first kind, $J_{\nu} \colon \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ are defined by $$J_{\nu}(z)=\displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \dfrac{(-1)^k}{k! \Gamma(k+\nu+1)2^{2k+\nu}}z^{2k+\nu},$$ where $\Gamma$ denotes the gamma function.


Bessel polynomial in terms of Bessel functions
Bessel at n+1/2 in terms of Bessel polynomial
Bessel at -n-1/2 in terms of Bessel polynomial
Relationship between Bessel J and hypergeometric 0F1
Relationship between Bessel I and Bessel J
Relationship between Anger function and Bessel J
Derivative of Bessel J with respect to its order


Bessel Equation and Bessel functions
Mod-1 Lec-6 Bessel Functions and Their Properties-I
Bessel's Equation by Free Academy
Taylor Series, Bessel, single Variable Calculus, Coursera.org
Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture 7—Bessel functions and the unit step function
Laplace transform of Bessel function order zero
Laplace transform: Integral over Bessel function is one
Orthogonal Properties of Bessel Function, Orthogonal Properties of Bessel Equation

External Links

Addition formulas for Bessel functions by John D. Cook
Relations between Bessel functions by John D. Cook
Bessel's functions of the second order - C.V. Coates


Bessel functions