From specialfunctionswiki
The Pochhammer symbol $(a)_n$ is a notation that denotes the "rising factorial" function. It is defined by $$(a)_n = \dfrac{\Gamma(a+n)}{\Gamma(a)},$$ where $\Gamma$ denotes gamma.
Sum of reciprocal Pochhammer symbols of a fixed exponent
Pochhammer symbol with non-negative integer subscript
We are using this symbol to denote the rising factorial (following the notation used by Abramowitz&Stegun and Mathematica) as opposed to denoting the falling factorial (as Wikipedia does).
- 1960: Earl David Rainville: Special Functions ... (previous) ... (next): $18. (1)$ (note: Rainville calls this the "factorial function" and expresses it slightly differently by defining it by the equivalent formula $(\alpha)_n=\displaystyle\prod_{k=1}^n (\alpha+k-1)$)
- 1964: W.N. Bailey: Generalized Hypergeometric Series ... (next): Section $1.1$